- See more at: http://blogtimenow.com/blogging/automatically-redirect-blogger-blog-another-blog-website/#sthash.YsVbCxL0.dpuf Journey to Becoming a Web Developer: 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Build This Button in CSS Challenge

Today we were given the the challenge to build this button
using just CSS. We first did one of our own then we were split into two teams where we were challenged to build it as a team. When doing my own I first thought it would be difficult because we were not allowed to modify the html. So I decided to do a search on how to use CSS to create buttons. One website showed how I could use display block within my anchor element selector to create a block, so I used that. Then I used properties like font-size, color, height, width etc. to get my block to look similar to the original block. I got stuck on making multiple blocks, so I did a web search again and found that to do this I needed to create two block shadows like so box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px #888888, 0 0 0 6px #000;. That worked, but it didn't really give me the desired effect.  When we started the team challenge my button was not complete, but there were others on my team who had completed theirs. When looking at my team members code I saw some things that I could have done differently. Since we could not touch the html I could have used text-transform to make all of the letter capital. I could have used 4 different box shadows. In the code the team used each line was to show each of the margins.  I also learned that you can use CSS symbols to get those stars to appear.
This is the type of question that is asked in interviews. Now that I have tried this on my own and now know the solution. I would attempt to do this differently. I would first figure out what type of block I would need then I would look at the code to see how many margins I would need. I think that once I am able to figure those out then the rest will be easier for me.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

| |= and &&=

I decided to post on the | |=(or equals) because I saw it recently in another student's code and I had never seen it before. Here is an example:

Line 2 is saying that if a is nil set it to 9. Now a becomes 9. Line 3 is saying that if a is nil set it to 6 since a is now 9 nothing is done. Another one I stumbled upon when researching | |= is &&=. &&= is the opposite of | |=. Here is an example:

Line 2 is saying that if a is not nil set it to nil. In this case a becomes nil.  Line 3 is saying that if a is not nil set it to 25. Because a is nil nothing is done. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

REXML and Nokogiri

When I started working on the Economics XML challenge I didn't realize that REXML and Nokigiri were both parsers that do the same things, but there are some differences, so I decided to the a post on a few. REXML is a parser that is already built into Ruby while we have to install a gem to use Nokogiri. REXML is also an older and slower parser, so many prefer to use Nokogiri. In REXML in order to access nodes it uses XPath which is a language for selecting nodes from an XML document, the match method, and the attributes method all used to access elements or nodes in an XML or HTML file while in Nokogiri the only method necessary to access elements is search and the tag name. Here is an interesting tutorial I found on scraping with Nokogiri


I found the article really interesting. I enjoy being at the Flatiron School, but I sometimes find myself frustrated because I am struggling a bit. I compare myself to my classmates who are all doing so well and who came from such accomplished backgrounds that  I  sometimes feel like I'm not supposed to be here. Of course I know better but those thoughts do cross my mind. The article gives me hope that I will one day become a good programmer. Just because I may not be a great programmer right now doesn't mean I will never be. I just need to have faith and to continue to stick with. It's ok to fail because many have, but continued on to become good developers. The article also mentions knowing what it is you want to code. I'm excited about that because I've never really thought about what type of programs I would like to build. Maybe thinking about things like that will make this process easier for me. I will try anything.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Designing classes with single responsibility

The single responsibility principle is using classes in our application that each have only one responsibility. Classes that have more than one responsibility can become too convoluted and can break more easily. The type of programs we want to make involves creating code that is reusable. Classes that have more than one responsibility are difficult to reuse, so having classes that do one thing is very important. One question that I had while reading this was how would I know if the class I built only has one responsibility. The chapter gave some helpful tips on how to determine this. One was making the methods into a question. If the methods seems to be doing different unrelated things then we don't want that. Another was to describe the class in one sentence. If the sentence has "and" or "or" in it then the class most likely has more than one responsibility. Overall our class methods should all be related and work to towards one common goal.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Iteration Viz

Iteration reminds me of mince meat grinder. A mince meat grinder takes in meat does something inside of it that minces the meat and produce the outcome. It will do this over and over. In iteration the iterator will go through an array take each take element and produce some sort of out come. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Iteration in JavaScript vs. Ruby

During class we used this javascript iteration example:

to demonstrate how iteration works. We were then asked to do the same iteration example in Ruby.

This is mine:

In my opinion the JavaScript example was a lot clearer. After seeing it I understood better how iteration works because each step was shown. In the Ruby example all of the steps are inside of the .times method, so it's harder to understand the concept when all of the steps are hidden. I like that the words state, condition, and increment were used to explain iteration in JavaScript. In the example i = 0 is the current state of i, i < 101 is the condition that has to be met, and i++ is the increment meaning what we want to increment i by in this case we want to increment i by 1. When facing an iteration problem that I don't understand I can refer to those words to get me on track. I was studying Ruby for a little bit before this program and thought I fully understood iteration, but after this lecture realized I didn't know it that well at all. So this was very helpful for me.   JavaScript is clearer to me when it comes to iteration, but to learn Ruby and JavaScript simultaneously maybe a bit difficult for me at this point because I'm still trying to understand the concepts of programming, but if there are concepts other than iteration in JavaScript that can help me understand Ruby better then I'm all for it.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I'm having some git issues, so I'm just going to take a screen shot of my code and of the solution that differs.

In my solution I used next because when I tried it not using next it kept printing 0, so I used the code on line 1 and it omitted it. The code on line 4 says that if i has no reminder when divided by 3 and 5 it should print "fizzbuzz". I wrote the code on the bottom at first but because the other two conditions were already met it didn't work. Once I changed the order it worked.

The solution above I got from gist. This solution differs from mine. This solution uses a .each iterator and it puts the whole code in one block. Also this solution using 15 instead of 3 and 5.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Working with the command line

We all use the command line to create projects with, but I never really understood it. In todays lecture Blake went over the command line and some of it commands. The command line is used to give our computer commands, so that it can do work for us. Learning the command line well can make our lives easier when programming. Here I will outline some command line commands I find helpful:


pwd prints out the working directory we are currently in


makes a directory(folders). This can also create directories inside of other directories

cd, cd . , cd ..

will change the directory you are currently in. cd .. will put you one directory above where you were. cd . will keep you in the same directory


will remove a directory. Very important command when one makes a mistake.


touch creates a new file

tab completion

guesses which command you want to run

Monday, November 11, 2013


The article on optimism was very insightful. I was already beginning to include some of what he was saying into my own thinking. I know that programming can be very frustrating and having negative thoughts that can hinder one's success. I can see how taking criticism personally and seeing failure as something we can't overcome can cause stress and depression. I have experienced this in the past. I also feel that comparing ourselves to others can also cause some of these negative feelings. Negativity though just bring on more negative thoughts and experiences, so during this program I plan to see the positive even when things may look a little bleak.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

First day of classes

So tomorrow is the first day class at the Flatiron School. I'm really excited and also nervous. I just hope that I can keep up with the class and be a productive group member when the time for group work arrives. I know that my introversion can hold me back at times. I'm going to make an effort to not let that stand in my way. Over the weekend Ruby became a little clearer to me for some reason. I'm really happy that I'm finally beginning to see how everything comes together. Ashley and Blake seem like wonderful teachers so I'm looking forward to the next 5 months. I think great things are in store.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Rails and Ruby Assessment

Hello all.  Today I continued working on my Ruby assessment. It is absolutely nowhere near perfect, but I'm happy with my progress. I also started Code School's Rails for Zombies. Code School tutorials bore me a little. I prefer Treehouse, but I did finish it. I am now moving on to Michael Hartl's tutorial. I started this tutorial months ago, but never finished it. It will be good to look over it again. It has a lot of useful information in it and for me it was pretty easy to understand.  Tomorrow I will do more of Michael Hartl's tut and most likely I'll be done with my ruby assessment.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ruby Assessement

Hello all! Since my last post I have been going over SQL, JQuery, and the Flatiron's school Ruby assessment. I really like doing the assessment because working ruby examples has let me know areas I am weak in. Tomorrow I plan on working more on SQL and the assessment. Till next time.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Modules, Hashes, and Classes

Today I learned about modules and testing in Ruby on Treehouse and on Codecacademy I learned more about Hashes and Classes. I also did some of the Extra Credit exercises on Treehouse. Some of the key things I learned today:

  • Modules are similar to Classes, but modules only can use methods and constants. 
  • Module uses extend and include to modify classes and objects.
Hashes and Classes
  • Hashes can use symbols instead of strings to identify keys ex(:one => 1)
  • We can convert symbols to strings and vice versa buy using the methods .to_sym and .to_s.
  • We must use and initialize method in a class. It boots up the objects that the class creates.
  • Can create and instance of a class by calling new on the class name. An instance variable is attached to the instance of that class hence its name.
Tomorrow I plan on going through Chris Pine's book "Learn to Program". That is all for now.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Arrays and Hashes

Hello all.  Today I have been learning about arrays and hashes on Code Academy.  Arrays and Hashes are used to store things. We can access the things in the arrays and hashes by using an index. Indexes in arrays start at 0. Indexes in arrays can be accessed by the key. Hashes are made up of key-value pairs (ex. pet => "Ben"). We can create empty hashes by using Hash.new. I also learned how to use the .each iterator with a hash. The syntax look like this: name_of_hash.each {|x| action}.  That's what I've learned so far today. Tomorrow I hope to continue learning Ruby on Code Academy and Treehouse.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Accepted into the Flatiron School!

Hello all.  On Friday October 11th I found out I was accepted into the Flatiron School Fellowship program. I'm really excited and I hope that I excel while I'm here. Since then I've been trying to get the prework done. Currently I'm doing the Ruby Foundations on Treehouse. I will also try to write a post daily. Until next time.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I'm trying to get a better grasp of Ruby so along with reading Zed Shaw's book I've been doing the lessons on RubyMonk.com. RubyMonk is a pretty good site for learning Ruby, so I'd recommend it. I'm still not the best I Ruby, but I've definitely gotten better. Practice makes perfect. I still haven't solved my Michael Hartl's tutorial issue. Sunday I plan on going to hacker Meetup, so I hope I can get help there. I really can't wait to get back into the tutorial. Once I finish it I want to work on my own Rails site. Not sure what it will be as yet.  That's all for now.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Hello! My name is Keturah, I live in Brooklyn, NY and I'm studying to become a junior rails developer. I got the idea to create this blog from Josh Kemp. He was on this same journey last year and he currently has a job as a junior developer. His story has definitely kept me motivated. If you are interested in becoming a rails developer you should check his blog out Josh Kemp. Right now I'm doing Michael Hartl's tutorial, "Learn Ruby the Hard Way" by Zed Shaw, and Chris Pine's "Learn to Program". All three are great learning materials. Currently I'm stuck on chapter 8 of MH's tutorial. I keep getting this error: rails_projects/sample_app/app/controllers/application_controller.rb:3:in `<class:ApplicationController>': uninitialized constant ApplicationController::SessionsHelper (NameError). So far I haven't been able to solve this issue. I'm thinking maybe it's a formatting thing.  I'll see if someone on Stack Overflow or someone at a hacker Meetup can help. Recently I have finished the Ruby 4 Kids airplane laser game, and the ball game. I'm going to push them up to GitHub once I'm done making my own little changes to them. I'm also going to create my own Ruby game. I so excited about all of this. I really want to become junior developer. That's all for now